Lunch Menu

Students are welcome to bring their lunch from home each day.  These can be cold lunches or we can microwave them.  Students MUST send in a bowl if needed to heat their food in, ex. ramen noodles or oatmeal.


You may prefer to purchase a hot lunch each day (or some days) instead of packing one. Lunches are $4.00 per day (drink NOT included). Please send lunch money EACH DAY, NOT weekly.

On Monday & Friday pizza will be delivered by Pep a Roni’s. Tuesday-Thursdays are kid-sized lunches from Dairy Queen.

Monday: 3 slices of cheese or pepperoni pizza

Tuesday: Hamburger & fries

Wednesday: Hotdog & fries

Thursday: Chicken Strips & fries

Friday: 3 slices of cheese or pepperoni pizza
